Hello! a long overdue post.. i'm a little WOLS! So I played a short gig on the Friday of the first week of school!!! Singing at the NUS Exxonmobil Campus Concert for the 'Face The Music' one-day festival =)
and they said there was free beer. so I pictured this:

and they said there was free beer. so I pictured this:
i watch too many movies lol. no funnels or kegs or barrels, but lots of cans. so, still pretty good.
cold beer is always good. =)
Anyway, got to the University Cultural Centre (UCC) theatre in a huff because my soundcheck was at 2pm (which was supposed to be rescheduled but no one reads emails) which I didn't turn up for cus
I had a lecture. so they said it was okay, come at 4..
so I get there at 4pm, in my head is "run run run, faster than my bullet" by Foster the people HAHA and I do my soundcheck, which I was kind of nervous for. I WAS NERVOUS FOR AN EMPTY ROOM AND 6 SOUND AND LIGHTS PEOPLE. great. HAHA oh well. maybe it's an excited feeling that my brain translates as 'nervous'. adrenaline maybe? but anyway. im excited =)
I popped out for awhile to say hi to friends and get a free beer HAHA but i didn't drink it in the end because i didnt want to burp midway in my song into the mic. that would not be pleasant. BRAAA-AAAP Homer simpson style...
then i sit and wait for a couple of hours and BAM! show time! played super happy songs this time, i figured cus it's a FRIDAAYYYYY!!! whee!!
Anyhoos, played a couple of covers, "Call me maybe" and "Prima Donna", and a couple of my own songs. I even spotted a girl I didn't know bopping her head to my songs so that was MONDO COOL!
take-a-picture-ure-ure-ure!!! *prances around. By far, most fun concert (in my head). and freaking cool lights though I couldn't see them from where I was standing, but the pictures looked kinda cool
and an extremely major factor in my performance, Kenneth Qua!!!! who played guitar for me (he's got amazing playing style) and is super fun to jam with. He definitely made me feel reassured, and his guitarring meant I could concentrate better on singing, and not have to multitask. I like playing the guitar but it gets confusing, and he did it waaaay better than me too. His tone and rhythm were easy for me to sync with, and it was super fun having him there with me. AWESOMEEES! I'm glad to have shared an awesome experience with an awesome fellow musician! and honored to have him there =)
Here are some pictures, courtesy of IamLocalised:
and here are some iphone pictures, cus we all know how much i love taking pictures!
(see what i did there *haha) esp with friends! Thank you soooo much for coming down, be it from the engin faculty in NUS, or the engin faculty allll the way from NTU!!! and everywhere else. Thank you to everybody who came to watch too! I hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as I did!
Dinner with my awesome friends!!
They just brightened my night even more! thank you thank you everyone for taking time out of your busy schedules to come spend time with me! I super appreciated it =)
Thank you also to Kevin Mathews who is always there to support me, I wouldn't have gotten here without your guidance and constant belief in me!! and thanks also to Music and Movement for inviting me to perform! I had a blast performing, and making new friends with the fellow performers!!
Definitely a day to remember. =D TEEHEE!
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