haha! whoot! I LOVELOVELOVE birthdays, even if nothing happens, even if i have stinky exams on that day, and even if it rains and i get wet and the exam room is so freezing-ass cold that i cant write down equations properly. (i blame the bad handwriting scribbles on the ice cold temperature) haha!
but yes, it's the one special day in my head that the day i came out and into the world, HELLO!
so thank you!!! to everyone who made my day awesome, my sister who surprised me with a cupcake late at night at 11.30, who wanted to wait till 12 but was too sleepy, everyone on facebook who left a note, I SAW YOUR MESSAGES but my internet was so crappy i couldn't reply. facebook was read-only. darn. people who smsed or called me (sorry if i didn't pick up, i missed alot of calls because i was doing last minute cramming), whatsapps, birthday cards, even people with time differences! haha! i even got serenaded by a friend, perks of having friends who are musicians HAHA! i got handmade brownies <3 and dinner with my family at a really nice steam boat place. jammed with friends post-exams, and today, I visited a school radio station and not only did someone help me carry my guitar when i got lost, they even surprised me halfway through with a cake! yup, total strangers, now friends =D thanks guys! it was a really cool gesture.
and it was nice to have some people say hi and send me well wishes, even though I hadn't seen them in eons, like old friends, or alot of my friends from the international Miss Earth pageant in Vietnam.
birthdays are special to me cus i always seem more spaced out, i'd think about all the people randomly messaging me on this one day. and how lucky i am to have all my friends and family surrounding me.. some from afar. like my mom n dad "-_- and all my friends abroad for studies. and my sis who is finally back YAY! yet space is lessened by the internet, whatsapp. though, yeah, messages get shorter and the element of that old school style is a little lost. but people are just a tech-gadget-press-send away. its nice. =) twas a good day.
plus, having exams means the end of exams = more cellebrating! haha! can't wait. last paper tomorrow. =)
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